FREDERICTON (GNB) – New Brunswickers are invited to help promote diversity and respect in schools, workplaces and communities by wearing pink on Wednesday, Feb. 27.

“Pink Shirt Day began with a focus on addressing bullying in schools, but the movement has expanded to encourage broader awareness that people of all ages must respect diversity in any environment, including online,” said Education and Early Childhood Development Minister Dominic Cardy.

Pink Shirt Day originated in 2007 after two Nova Scotia teenagers encouraged their fellow students to wear pink T-shirts in support of a pupil who was being bullied. Since then, schools, businesses, communities and governments across Canada have recognized the last Wednesday in February as Pink Shirt Day.

“One of the objectives of the 10-year education plan is to ensure all learners value diversity and have a strong sense of belonging,” said Cardy. “Ensuring that all learning environments are physically, socially and culturally inclusive, and are responsive to the diversity of learners and their families, is a key focus area.”

The provincial government encourages participation in a variety of events to promote respect throughout the year, including observing Diversity and Respect Week in November.