FREDERICTON (GNB) – The provincial government has introduced amendments to the Building Code Administration Act that would ease building code restrictions on structures such as garages and sheds.

“We have been gathering feedback from municipal governments, the construction industry and others since the act came into effect earlier this year,” said Justice and Public Safety Minister Hugh J. Flemming. “These groups raised some legitimate concerns in recent months, and the amendments introduced today aim to address them.”

Under the proposed changes, the act would exempt from the 2015 National Building Code accessory structures under 55 square metres that are not used for overnight accommodation.

These exemptions would be implemented throughout the province in January 2023, when local governance changes take place. This would give local governments time to remain under existing bylaws and allow permits issued in the meantime to be recognized as valid.

The government is also creating a building standards working group, which will include representatives from the province’s construction, design and inspection community. The group will be tasked with making recommendations on code adoption, interpretation and application.