FREDERICTON (GNB) – A memorial service will be held online this year to remember peace officers from across New Brunswick who have died in the line of duty.

The Peace Officers Memorial Service will be streamed on Facebook at 10 a.m. on Sunday, Aug. 29.

“Every two years we meet to remember 34 women and men who lost their lives in the line of duty as police and peace officers in the service of the people of New Brunswick,” said Justice and Public Safety Minister Hugh J. Flemming. “While this year's remembrance looks different than those in past years, our determination to honour them has not waned.”

The memorial includes the names of 34 New Brunswick peace officers who have died in the line of duty since Confederation.

A ceremony is held every two years to remember and honour New Brunswick’s fallen peace officers.

The decision to stream the service was made earlier this year due to COVID-19 protocols. Organizers expect to return to an in-person service in 2023.

People are encouraged to visit the New Brunswick Peace Officers Memorial website to learn more about those featured on the memorial and to show their appreciation for those who serve and protect our communities.