Government of New Brunswick


New Brunswick Public Library Service offers a free, online question and answer service available via email. It is intended to help answer brief and factual questions to assist patrons in their research activities.


The service is free, but library cardholders and New Brunswick residents have precedence over other users.


By clicking on the “Have a Question?” link on the New Brunswick Public Library (NBPLS) website, an online form will appear.

Please complete as many fields as possible and provide a valid email address, otherwise staff will not be able to respond to your question.

The service is ideal for brief, factual information. More complex questions (e.g. genealogical ones) may need to be asked in person at the library. However, the team can provide you with initial suggestions to begin your research, or offer suggestions regarding where to find further detailed information.

For more information, contact us by email at [email protected] or consult with staff at your local public library.